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School Students

German Language Class for Children

Lingomingo Language Lab's "German for Kids". Suitable for children aged 6 to 12 to acquire German as a second language, and to demonstrate basic conversational competencies.

Course Details:

  • Suitable for children aged 6 to 12

  • ​Conducted over 3 terms

  • Each term is 10 weeks long

  • Each week is 1 lessons at 1 hour per lesson

  • Competency assessed before progressing over the 3 terms

  • Classes are grouped by lower or upper primary


Course Objectives

  1. Introduce basic German vocabulary and grammar through engaging stories.

  2. Develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in German.

  3. Foster cultural awareness of German-speaking countries.

  4. Build confidence in using German in everyday situations.


Assessment and Progress Tracking​

  1. Oral Participation : Encourage speaking during role-plays and discussions.

  2. Creative Assignments : Evaluate written stories, drawings, and projects.


Class Mode:

Group class or Private class


Course Fee:

Group: $500 / term

Private: $2400 / term


*Lingomingo reserves the right to make modification to the curriculum when appropriate.

​Curriculum Breakdown (Indicative*)


Term 1: Introduction to German (Weeks 1–10)


Focus : Basic vocabulary, greetings, numbers, colors, and simple sentences.

  1. Week 1: Introduction to German

    • Welcome and introduction to German.

    • Greetings: Hallo , Guten Morgen , Guten Tag , Gute Nacht .

    • Songs: Sing "Guten Morgen, liebe Kinder" .

  2. Week 2: Introducing Yourself

    • Vocabulary: Names (Ich heiße... ), ages (Ich bin... Jahre alt ).

    • Practice dialogues: Wie heißt du? Wie alt bist du?

  3. Week 3: Numbers and Counting

    • Numbers 1–20.

    • Games: Count objects in pictures from "Jana und Dino."

  4. Week 4: Colors

    • Vocabulary: Colors (rot, blau, grün, gelb, etc. ).

    • Activity: Color by number/color matching.

  5. Week 5: Family Members

    • Vocabulary: Mama, Papa, Bruder, Schwester, Hund .

    • Story: Read a short excerpt from "Jana und Dino" about family.

  6. Week 6: Animals

    • Vocabulary: Common animals (Hund, Katze, Fisch, Vogel ).

    • Song: Sing "Der Hund ist groß, die Katze ist klein."

  7. Week 7: Food and Drinks

    • Vocabulary: Apfel, Banane, Wasser, Milch .

    • Role-play: Ordering food at a café.

  8. Week 8: Daily Routines

    • Vocabulary: Actions (essen, trinken, spielen, schlafen ).

    • Sentence practice: Ich esse einen Apfel.

  9. Week 9: Days of the Week

    • Vocabulary: Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, etc.

    • Activity: Match days to activities.

  10. Week 10: Review and Fun Activities

    • Recap all topics with games, quizzes, and group activities.

    • Craft project: Create a mini-book with key vocabulary.

Term 2: Building Sentences and Grammar (Weeks 11–20)


Focus : Simple sentence construction, questions, and basic grammar.

  1. Week 11: Asking Questions

    • Vocabulary: Question words (Wer? Was? Wo? Wann? Warum? ).

    • Practice: Was ist das? Wer ist das?

  2. Week 12: Articles and Nouns

    • Grammar: Definite articles (der, die, das ).

    • Activity: Sorting nouns into categories.

  3. Week 13: Plural Forms

    • Vocabulary: Singular vs. plural (Hund → Hunde ).

    • Game: Memory cards with singular/plural pairs.

  4. Week 14: Verbs in Present Tense

    • Vocabulary: Common verbs (spielen, essen, trinken, lesen ).

    • Practice: Ich spiele mit dem Ball.

  5. Week 15: Describing Objects

    • Adjectives: groß, klein, neu, alt .

    • Activity: Describe objects in the classroom.

  6. Week 16: Prepositions

    • Vocabulary: in, auf, unter, neben .

    • Game: Place objects according to prepositions.

  7. Week 17: Weather and Seasons

    • Vocabulary: Weather terms (sonnig, regnerisch, windig ).

    • Song: Sing "Es regnet, es regnet, liebe Kinder."

  8. Week 18: Clothing

    • Vocabulary: Clothes (Hemd, Hose, Schuhe, Mantel ).

    • Role-play: Dressing for different weather conditions.

  9. Week 19: Locations

    • Vocabulary: Places (Schule, Haus, Park, Zoo ).

    • Activity: Draw and label a map.

  10. Week 20: Mid-Year Review

    • Recap all topics with interactive games and storytelling.

    • Project: Write a short story using learned vocabulary.

Term 3: Advanced Topics and Cultural Awareness (Weeks 21–30)

Focus : Complex sentences, cultural knowledge, and creative expression.

  1. Week 21: Time and Clock

    • Vocabulary: Telling time (Es ist drei Uhr ).

    • Activity: Make paper clocks and practice telling time.

  2. Week 22: Directions

    • Vocabulary: Giving directions (gehe geradeaus, links, rechts ).

    • Game: Treasure hunt in the classroom.

  3. Week 23: Shopping

    • Vocabulary: Money, shopping phrases (Wie viel kostet das? ).

    • Role-play: Buying items at a store.

  4. Week 24: Holidays and Celebrations

    • Vocabulary: German holidays (Weihnachten, Ostern, Geburtstag ).

    • Craft: Make Christmas or Easter decorations.

  5. Week 25: German Culture

    • Learn about German traditions, food, and landmarks.

    • Watch short videos about Germany.

  6. Week 26: Writing Short Stories

    • Use "Jana und Dino" as inspiration to write simple stories.

    • Focus on sentence structure and creativity.

  7. Week 27: Reading Comprehension

    • Read excerpts from "Jana und Dino."

    • Answer comprehension questions.

  8. Week 28: Creative Projects

    • Group projects: Create posters, presentations, or skits.

  9. Week 29: Final Review

    • Recap all topics with games, quizzes, and storytelling.

  10. Week 30: Celebration Day

    • Perform skits, sing songs, and showcase projects.

    • Award certificates for participation and progress.


About the Teacher

Cindy Walter

Cindy is a veteran teacher of the German language. Having graduated with a Masters and Bachelors degree from University of Hamburg, and have taught in German European School in Singapore, Cindy brings with her experience teaching children and fluent language competence in German.


+65 8928 6915

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